Help Us Grow
With your generous support we will be able to reach more of our neighbors in need within the community!
Support Manna Feast’s Mission
Manna Feast operates as a social enterprise which is a cause-driven business whose primary reason for being is to improve social objectives and serve the common good. Sustainable revenue differentiates a social enterprise from a traditional charity that relies solely on outside funding in the form of donations or grants to achieve its social mission. Manna Feast directs its excess revenue to further the mission of resolving hunger among those in need across Los Angeles County.
Click Here to Learn More about Manna Feast
Make a Donation
Donations to support our continuing mission to ensure that everyone is able to enjoy healthy food and live in healthier communities can be made to Christ-Centered Ministries. You can make a quick, easy, and secure online donation to support the work we do or check other donation options on the Christ-Centered Ministries website.
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Contact Number
(213) 280-5781
1105 S La Brea Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90019
5060 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
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Give us a call, today!